
b't hec oDe ofA cADemicc ostume b oArD ofr egentsAn 1894 conference of representatives of leading AmericanThe Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia was institutions adopted a uniform code of academic dress. The codecreated in 1931 as part of a reorganization of Georgias state was revised by the American Council on Education in 1932 andgovernment. With this act, public higher education in Georgia again in 1959. was unified for the first time under a single governing and management authority. The governor appoints members of the Black gowns recommended for use have certain characteristics.Board to a seven year term and regents may be reappointed to The bachelors gown has pointed sleeves, the masters hassubsequent terms by a sitting governor. Regents donate their oblong sleeves, and the doctors gown has bell-shaped sleeves.time and expertise to serve the state through their governance of The bachelor and master gowns have no trimmings. Thethe University System of Georgiathe position is a voluntary doctors gown is faced down the front with black velvet withone without financial remuneration. Today the Board of Regents three bars of the same across the sleeves. The velvet may be theis composed of 19 members, five of whom are appointed color distinction of the subject to which the degree pertains,from the state-at-large, and one from each of the states 14 agreeing in color with the edging of the hood. congressional districts. The Board elects a chancellor who serves as its chief executive officer and the chief administrative officer For all academic purposes, including trimmings of doctorsof the University System. The Board oversees the colleges and gowns, edging of hoods and tassels of caps, colors associateduniversities that comprise the University System of Georgia, and with different subjects are: Agriculture, Maize; Arts, Letters,has oversight of the Georgia Archives Service and the Georgia Humanities, White; Commerce, Accountancy, Business,Public Library.Drab; Economics, Copper; Education, Light Blue; Fine Arts, Brown; Journalism, Crimson; Law, Purple; Library Science,t heh onorAbles onnyP erDueLemon; Music, Pink; Nursing, Apricot; Speech, Silver Gray;c hAncellorPhilosophy, Dark Blue; Physical Education, Sage Green; Public Administration, Peacock Blue; Public Health, Salmon Pink;b oArD ofr egentsScience, Golden Yellow; Social Work, Citron; Theology, Scarlet.d ougA ldridgeThe bachelors hood length is three feet, the masters is three t omB rAdBuryand one-half feet; and the doctors is four feet. The hood for the r ichArdt ime vAnslatter has panels at the side. The hoods are lined with the official w. A lleng udenrAthcolor or colors of the college or university which conferred the e rinh Amesdegree; more than one color is shown by the division of the field B rBArAr iverAh olmescolor.s Amueld. h olmesThe hood binding or edging is velvet or velveteen, in widths J Amesm. h ullof two, three and five inches for the bachelors, masters, c AdeJ oinerand doctors respectively. The color of the edging should be P Atrickc. J onesdistinctive of the subject to which the degree pertains. The black c. e verettk ennedy , iiiacademic cap is usually shaped like a mortar board. The tassel is s ArAh -e liZABethl Angfordblack or the color appropriate to the subject to which the degree l oweryh oustonm Aypertains. The only exception is the doctors cap which may have J oser. P ereZits tassel of gold thread.n eill. P ruitt , J r .(Prepared by Louis E. Schmier, Professor of History) h Aroldr eynolds(c hAir ) t. d AllAss mith(v icec hAir ) m Ats wift J Amesk. s yfAniii237TH COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY| 27'