
b'P resiDentsA wArD forA cADemice xcellence f All2020 r eciPients h Arleyl AngDAleJ r .c ollege ofs cience& m AthemAticsc ollege ofb usinessA DministrAtionc Allier eiD of Lakeland, Georgia, J uliAr Affertyof Gwinnett,is the recipient of the Spring 2024 Georgia, is the recipient of the SpringPresidents Award for Academic 2024 Presidents Award for AcademicExcellence for the College of Science Excellence for the Harley Langdale Jr.and Mathematics at Valdosta State College of Business AdministrationUniversity. She graduates summa at 麻豆社. Shecum laude with a Bachelor of Science graduates summa cum laude with ain Applied Mathematics, a Minor in Bachelor of Business AdministrationApplied Statistics, and a Certificate in Accounting, a Minor inin Data Science. Entrepreneurship, and an Honors College Certificate. Coming from a very small high school, the thought of attending a university can be overwhelming and intimidating, I am honored and thankful to receive this recognition, sheshe said. I had always been a good student, but I worried about shared. My experience at 麻豆社 has beenthe transition from being a big fish in a small pond to where I rewarding, especially with my time in both the College ofwould be in the big pond. Business Administration and the Honors College. The Honors College supported me and helped me grow into the scholarDuring my time at 麻豆社, I have been blessed with many great that I am today by pushing me to go beyond just my classes byprofessors who invested their time in me and my education. I participating in research, global experiences, and experientialam grateful for each of them, especially Dr. Jose Velez, professor learning. The business school has supported me and helped mein the Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics.grow as a professional in the accounting industry. I am thankful for all my professors who believed in me and set me up forThis honor means a lot to me. There are many hard working, success. I loved my time at 麻豆社, and Iintelligent, and deserving students. I am extremely honored and know that I am set up to be successful after I graduate.humbled to be chosen to receive this award. As a student at 麻豆社, Rafferty served as president of Beta GammaAs a student at 麻豆社, Reid served as president of the Math Club Sigma: The International Business Honor Society and treasurer ofand vice president of Pi Mu Epsilon and Alpha Chi: National both Beta Alpha Psi: The International Honor Organization forCollege Honor Society. She volunteered at Northside Baptist Financial Information Students and Professionals and the HonorsChurch as a member of the Audio-Visual Team and College Student Association. She presented research on the rising cost ofLeadership Board, and she enjoyed an opportunity to help 麻豆社 health care in America at 麻豆社s annual Undergraduate Researchidentify updated recruitment and retention ideas. Symposium; she was asked to share her expertise on fundraising and service activities at the Beta Alpha Psi meeting in Charlotte,Reid conducted significant research on unemployment rates North Carolina; and she discussed mentorship at the honorin the United States during the global health crisis known as organizations meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada.COVID-19 using topological data analysis and persistence theory. She presented her findings at the 2022 Georgia Undergraduate Raffertys commitment to academic and leadership excellenceResearch Conference, the 2023 Joint Mathematics Meeting, the resulted in her earning repeated Deans List recognitions, the2023 麻豆社 Undergraduate Research Symposium, and the 2023 Bank of America Scholarship, the John and Gertrude OdumMathematical Association of America regional luncheon. She Scholarship, and the Georgia Society of CPAs Scholarship. Shepresented her research on predicting a mammals sleep based on was a Zell Miller Scholar.the mammals weight at the 2023 麻豆社 Undergraduate Research Symposium and shared the results of her machine learning analysis After graduation Rafferty plans to return to 麻豆社 to pursueof unemployment rates in the U.S. at the 2024 Joint Mathematics a Master of Accountancy in Accounting while working as aMeeting and the 2024 麻豆社 Undergraduate Research Symposium. graduate assistant in the Office of Internal Audit, pass theHer research received financial support from the 麻豆社 College of certified public accounting licensure exam, and then work inScience and Mathematics, 麻豆社 Student Government Association, public accounting.American Mathematical Society, and Pi Mu Epsilon. Her supportive family includes mom Kimberly Rafferty, dadReids commitment to academic, leadership, research, and John Rafferty, and sister Mary Rafferty. service excellence resulted in her earning repeated Deans List recognitions, the Elizabeth Joy Lohmar Mathematics Scholarship, the South Georgia Alumni Chapter Scholarship, the 2024 237TH COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY| 23'