
Gift Policy & Record

Gifts are accepted with the understanding that the Library becomes the owner of the material.  You may use the gift record to specify how you wish material not-added to the collection should be handled.  It may be returned to you, given to another library, or given away.  (If you do not make any specification, the Library will use its own judgment.)

Large donations (more than two boxes) must first be approved by the Head of Acquisitions and Collection Development.   As a general rule, gift items will be added to the Collection following the same selection criteria as similar purchased materials (see Collection Development Policy).

Bookplates naming the donor or for dedicatory purposes are available.  If the donor wishes to make a tax claim, the Library will provide a letter documenting receipt of the gift.  This letter will indicate the number and format of items, but the donor must determine its fair market value. In the case of large gifts, or gifts involving special or rare materials, donors are encouraged to provide detailed inventories.  The library will not produce an inventory, and no member of the Library staff may provide an appraisal.

Please fill-out and submit the form below so we have a record of your gift and your preferences regarding book plates, etc.

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  • Odum Library Forms